Find Address By License Number

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The idea of public records is nearly as old as civilization itself. Reports of births, deaths, and marriages go back as far as ancient Babylon, where they were etched into clay tablets.

Jun 12, 2018  If you’re out driving your car and spot an individual who is operating their motor vehicle in a reckless manner or you are involved in a hit-and-run accident, you may want to find their name and address by using a license plate number. However, if you are involved in.

Jun 09, 2016  A free license plate number lookup can also give you safety and recall information about a vehicle. To do this you will want to use your free license plate lookup results (mentioned above) and visit the website and search for safety issues or recall information related to the vehicle in question. Additional License Plate Number. Aug 30, 2016  This is only possible if you know someone of high potential in Government Authorities. My friend once saw a girl and claimed that He fell in love at first sight. We noticed her car number than we went to another friend who’s dad was in local intel. Personal Public Records. Public records focusing on individuals usually include a fair amount of personal identifying information. Most often, they're created by government agencies and form a paper trail outlining a person's life. Personal public records may include some or all. of the following information: Name. Birth date/age. There are a number of reasons you may need to research a vehicle tag to find address information. License plate search is a website that provides report information based on vehicle tags including the vehicle owner's address. This information should be used with.

Nowadays, public information is much easier to record—and to track down. And with public records so easily accessible, it's important to know exactly what can be found out there, and where to find it.

What Are Public Records?

The concept of a public record is relatively self-explanatory. It constitutes an official reporting of facts accessible to any member of the community.

However, just because they're open to the public doesn't mean they're easy to access.

Governments have a variety of regulations placed upon:

  • What types of information can be made public.
  • Where information can be stored.
  • How information can be distributed.

Information in a Public Record

There are two main public record categories:

  • Personal public records: Those keeping track of individuals.
  • Business/government public records: Those keeping track of companies, corporations, or government agencies.

The specific data marked on a public record will depend considerably on which type of report is being accessed.

Personal Public Records

Public records focusing on individuals usually include a fair amount of personal identifying information. Most often, they're created by government agencies and form a paper trail outlining a person's life.

Personal public records may include some or all* of the following information:

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  • Name.
  • Address.
  • Birth date/age.
  • Names of family members.
  • Political party affiliation.
  • Past arrests.
  • Businesses or websites owned.

* NOTE: These are just a few examples of the information typically available on public records, but does not represent a full list of facts.

Business/Government Public Records

Business and government public records generally come from information recorded within the business or agency itself. They are often more statistical in nature.

Some information that may be available* on a business or government public record include:

  • Revenue.
  • Number of employees.
  • Fictitious business names.
  • Collection items.
  • Business credit score.
  • Payment history.
  • Business ownership.

* NOTE: This list does not represent the full array of facts available on a business or government public record.

Types of Public Records

There are many different types of public records. In the case of individual public records, they typically revolve around major life milestones and include:

  • Birth and death certificates.
  • Marriage certificates and divorce decrees.
  • Deeds, mortgages, and other related property records.
  • Various licenses, including professional and business licenses.
  • Driving records.
  • Criminal records, including wants and warrants.
  • Sex offender records.
  • Court records.
  • Unclaimed property.
  • Missing persons.
  • Voter registration and election records.

Corporate or government public records often make note of disciplinary measures or are broken down into quarterly orannualreports. Some examples include:

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  • Real estate appraisals.
  • Census records.
  • Government spending reports.
  • Legislation minutes.
  • Consumer protection information.
  • Liens, judgments, or bankruptcy filings.
  • Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings.

Accessing Public Records

Public records are typically accessed either through the government or through a private business.

A plethora of companies now offer to complete your public record search on either an individual, business, or both—typically for a fee. Many of these companies offer online services.

The government will usually supply such information for free; however, going this route typically takes more time.

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the national lawregarding the release of government agency public records.

While using FOIA, you can:

  • Request any type of public record report from the agency.
  • Determine the form you want the information in.
    • i.e. Printed vs. electronic.

However, the law does not require agencies to:

  • Create new records.
  • Conduct new research.
  • Analyze data.
  • Answer questions.

FOIA requests must be submitted in writing and explain the public records you want. Most government agencies allow requests via e-mail, fax, or filling out an online form.

The easiest way to complete a FOIA request is by visiting the agency's website from which you want the information. The U.S. government keeps a list of agency FOIA contact information.

Requests are free, but agencies may charge a fee to produce some records—typically those that are more difficult to find. Fee waivers are available in some cases.

Find License Number By Name

State Public Record Laws

Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests at a more local level must be made on a state-by-state, or, sometimes, municipality-by-municipality basis, as each state and each level of government has its own public records laws.

Find Address By License Plate Number

In order to access the desired information, you must contact the specific agency in your state that would handle the records, such as:

  • Town halls.
  • State or county clerk offices.
  • State or municipal courts.
  • Department of Motor Vehicles offices.
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December 19, 2018

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Depending upon the identity and purpose of the requester, a driver's license number may be used to find a person's address. Federal and state law generally prohibit agencies' disclosure of personal driver or vehicle information under the Driver Privacy Protection Act, but there are many exceptions.

December 19, 2018

Depending upon the identity and purpose of the requester, a driver's license number may be used to find a person's address. Federal and state law generally prohibit agencies' disclosure of personal driver or vehicle information, but there are many exceptions.


A driver's personal information, like her address, is protected and private under the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) a federal law with state counterparts. No one may simply request a particular driver's address and be given it by an agency without the agency facing civil and criminal penalties. A driver's record of crashes, driving violations and the status of the driver's license are not protected under the DPPA.


A person or entity may get a driver's address using her driver's license number under the exemptions and exceptions in the DPPA. For example, the police or other security agencies and private investigators may find someone's address this way if they have reasonable cause for needing the address. Similarly, attorneys may obtain a driver's address even if litigation or legal proceedings are only anticipated. Courts may order a driver's address be disclosed, as may a car's manufacturer. Employers routinely use driver's license numbers to obtain information about employees, as do insurance agencies. Even the Clean Air Act allows for obtaining a driver's address from his license number. Other than the exceptions in the DPPA, the requester has to produce proof of the driver's consent to obtain her address. A driver may always request his own records.

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Selling Information

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Although the DPPA seeks to protect drivers' personal information, it allows parties who have obtained the information under an exception to sell it. If a person or entity obtains the driver's personal information under an exception to the law, he may resell it if the purpose of the sale is the same as his purpose in obtaining it. But if a person or entity obtains the information based upon the driver's consent, she may resell it freely, as long as she keeps a record of the sales for five years. Under this rule, a person who signed a consent to disclose personal driver's license number information under a contract to buy or try a product may not realize that his consent means the information may be sold to other product sellers.