Dil Dosti Dance Episode 1
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Episode 1-6 Main Points:
Watch episodes of Hindi TV Dance Drama Dil Dosti Dance online. The serial features 4 young college students showing their friendship & desire to dance. Dil Dosti Dance Online is a Channel-V Serial. We bring you the latest News & Discussions regarding your favorite show. Join the debate & let us know. We only provide News & Info for the Serials.Enjoy all the latest Hindi Serials & Hindi Dramas Online.
Dil Dosti Dance Episode 146 Google Drive
- Kria wants to go to the club
- When Reyanch bumps into her, and goes staright in she acts like his friend and sneaks in with the girls she is with
- Reyanch and his group dance, and break some things around
- Kria and her girlfreinds yell at him
- His group laghs saying that Kria cant show them how to dance
- Kria thinks to herself on what to do, because her mom will not allow her to dance
- Kria makes a small dance move, and the owner has Kria and Ray arrested
- At the police station Kria is begging the police to let her go because she did nothing wrong
- Her mom arrives. Kria is scared and wonder if her mom might cancel her Mumbai trip
- Kria goes home and finds out her mom is comming to Mumbai with her
- Kria tries to make her mom stay home, but she deosnt listen
- Kria sees a dance poster. She says she hops her mom does not find out she came to Mumbai to stay close to dance.
- In the new college at Mumbai, Kria bumps into Neha, who becomes her friends and explains to her about the Dazzlers and Weakling thing
- Because Kria is a weakling, she is picked on a lot
- While waiting on the line, Ray comes and skips. She gets mad and then realizes it is the same guy from the club
- Ray talks to her privatly and explains to her his reputation
- In the lunchroom, Sharon, the cool happening Dazzler comes and finds Kria in her seat. Sharon yells at her, and tells her to back off
- Sharon says she will teach Kria a lesson
- Kria is watching the guys play basketball, when a few girls call her Benji
- She goes and yells at the and realizes her ipod is missing
- Ray has found her ipod, but does not know who it is
- Sharon is telling Ray they must win the footloose nationwide dance compition. he is busy listening to the ipod. Sharon gets mad and they rehearse
- Kria and Neha are Ipod searching when Kria hears the ipod music from the Reharsal hall. She goes in. Sharon insults her and tells her to leave.
- Kria pushes her out of her way and takes her ipod.
- Sharon graps her hand and asks her 'what the hell are you doing'
- Kria says the ipod is hers and she will decisde who gets to listen to it.
- As she walks away, sharon says 'LS ho, LS raho'
- Kria asks her what this LS crap is. She asks if she know her ABC, and she should get a book if she hasnt. Then, she can happily put a Dazzle sticker in that!
- Kria walks out, neha follows.
- Ray is thinking about Kria. She thinks to himself that even though she is a Weakling, their is something about her
- At home, Kria tells her mom everything. Her mom convinces her that everything will be fine. Kria goes to school with a new attitude the next day.
- While walking in the halls the next day, someone throughs water in Kria's face. A few Dazzlers start to give 'we are ready' signals.
- Kria walks into class and asks why everyone is dressed weird
- Sharon says its funny costume day. They make her dress as a mummy, and everyone else gets back into normal attire. Ray comes in looking confused
- Teacher comes in, yells at Kria for such prank
- Kria runs out. Ray follows, but teacher stops him
- She runs into the reharsal hall and starts talking to Gautham Prasads pciture about how sad she is. She cries.
- Sharons friends come in and tell her that Sharon is Gauthams daughter
- The next day, when walking, kids though bunch of tissue paper at her. Ray helps her.
- Ray realizes that this may turn to be a prob for Kria and he goes. Ray's friend says something to make Kria thing that is was Ray's idea to mess with her.
- He tries to stop Kria and apoligize, but Rays friend will not let him.
- Neha buys tickets to dance audition for her and Kria. When they get their, a weakling goes to wish Sharon luck, and Sharon insults him. Kria see's all this. Episode ended with her face.
*Sorry for any missed info, and spelling errors.
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