Grub Chainloader Windows

Grub Chainloader Windows Rating: 7,4/10 7373 votes

The chainloader command (see chainloader) is used to set this up. It is normally also necessary to load some GRUB modules and set the appropriate root device. Putting this together, we get something like this, for a Windows system on the first partition of the first hard disk. From reading over the comments on grub rescue this seems like it'll work then you can get into windows and reinstall the windows bootloader into the MBR. This only works however if your windows partition is the first partition on the drive AND it's on the first drive that the computer sees. Booting a MS Windows OS using GRUB is a quite simple process. However, we must follow some rules in order to succeed. The first and foremost rule is: Windows OS always wants to be installed on a first hard drive and first partition. If you have your windows installation on second hard drive you need.

Active3 years, 1 month ago

This is my situation:

  • installed Ubuntu without a CD (using unetbootin)
  • dual boot installation (Windows XP+Ubuntu)
  • didn't like the installation and decided to boot into Windows and delete the Linux partitions
  • forgot to fix the mbr from within Windows
Grub Chainloader Windows

Now, when I boot, I am stuck in the GRUB rescue limbo.

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Simple question:How can I boot into Windows from GRUB rescue?

I cannot boot from CD, therefore the usual solutions (recovery CD etc) do not work.An older question mentions the possibility to boot Windows but doesn't specify details: Ubuntu grub rescue prompt

Any hints?


7 Answers

When GRUB is gone, so is the ability to boot into Windows. You would now need to boot from the Windows CD to restore the Master Boot Record (MBR). You can also use other boot CDs such as the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows, Bart PE or Hiren's Boot CD in case you don't have Windows installation media handy. Here are the steps:

  • Boot from the Windows CD and choose 'Repair'. Alternatively, boot from one of the other aforementioned boot CDs and run a command prompt.

  • For Windows 8 computers:

Add more tutorials for Operating Systems please.

Grub Chainloader Windows Uefi

  • Run the the following two commands in a command prompt:

17.3k11 gold badges48 silver badges92 bronze badges
Ricky RicardoRicky Ricardo

As Gilles already pointed out, grub rescue only has a few commands which allow you to load modules (e.g. from a grub rescue disk).

In my case - booting from another source wasn't possible - the only option was to remove the hdd from the computer and use a cheap external hd case to connect the disk to another computer via USB. On that computer, I used MbrFix to fix the mbr.


Another tool to add to what Ricky and preufsumme have to say is boot-repair-disk.


Grub Chainloader Windows 10 Uefi

You can use grub rescue to start Windows again.

Grub Boot Windows

The command list would be something similar to

NB: this requires the availability of modules that implement all these commands!

Grub Boot Manager Windows

From reading over the comments on grub rescue this seems like it'll work then you can get into windows and reinstall the windows bootloader into the MBR. This only works however if your windows partition is the first partition on the drive AND it's on the first drive that the computer sees. If you have several drives or SATA drives instead of PATA drives then you may need to use a different command for rootnoverify (try sd0 instead of hd0)

Update me on if it works.

Grub Chainloader Windows

I have exactly the same issue, i deleted the ubuntu partition so i could install the new one, but crapped it up and stuck in grub rescue also

I am currently searching for the fix also

Here is how far i have got


It seems we need to use our windows 7 disks, boot in and delete something called an MBR


Boot from the Windows XP/Vista/7 installation CD, and select the Repair (R) option. Select the correct partition, and then enter the Administrator account password. At the command prompt run the following commands:

Type 'exit', and the computer will reboot.

Simon Sheehan

Grub Chainloader Windows Xp

7,78612 gold badges45 silver badges69 bronze badges

I had a similar issue, I had to go into the bios to set the boot up sequence to the CD/DVD Drive first so that it would check for the boot stuff there. I am using a solution from somewhere else that told me to first re-install Ubuntu so that the grub loader is installed then you can get back into windows and remove the partition the right way. hope this helps someone out there


Grub Chainloader Windows Xp

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