Microsoft Sql Server Standard Vs Enterprise

Microsoft Sql Server Standard Vs Enterprise Rating: 6,9/10 2540 votes

SQL Server pricing

Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
SQL Server 2017 editionsIdeal for …Licensing modelChannel availability Open no level price (US$)
EnterpriseComprehensive, mission-critical performance for demanding database and business intelligence requirements. Provides the highest service and performance levels for Tier-1 workloads.[1]Per core[2]Volume licensing, hosting$14,256[3]
Standard - per coreCore data management and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources.Per core[2]Volume licensing, hosting$3,717[3]
Standard - server + CALCore data management and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources.Server + CAL[4]Volume licensing, hosting, retail FPP$931[3]
DeveloperFull-featured version of SQL Server software that allows developers to cost-effectively build, test, and demonstrate applications based on SQL Server software.Per userFree downloadFree
WebSecure, cost effective and highly scalable data platform for public web sites. Available to third party software service providers only.Not applicableHosting onlySee your hosting partner for pricing
ExpressFree entry-level database that's ideal for learning, as well as building desktop and small server>

Microsoft SQL Server is a fully-featured relational database system whose primary function is to store and retrieve data requested by other system applications. There are several different Microsoft SQL Server version and editions, each engineered to meet different demands and workloads. SQL Server 2017 Enterprise vs Standard Edition? closed Ask Question Asked 1 year, 5 months ago. Active 1 year, 5 months ago. Viewed 14k times 3. I'm looking for a good resource that gives a breakdown of the feature differences between SQL Server 2017 Enterprise and Standard editions? I've read over the licensing guide from Microsoft, but. Jul 03, 2018  When Microsoft released SQL Server 2016 there were a number of changes and improvements to the flagship database. However, when considering the two main editions, Standard and Enterprise, organizations must account for a long list of features before choosing between them. May 24, 2017  2 Applies to SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1 as part of creating a Common Programmability Surface Area (CPSA) across editions. 3 This feature is not included in the LocalDB installation option. 4 Standard Edition and SQL Server + CAL-based licensing can restrict how many processors SQL Server Standard can use, but SQL Server Standard is NUMA aware.

May 30, 2017  SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition is no different. It stands at the front of the SQL Server line, providing the most robust and extensive database management product Microsoft has to offer. Microsoft SQL Server Standard provides all database features with analytics and reporting capabilities. May 16, 2017  It seems as though the only difference between Enterprise and Standard pertains to the following: Performance Features, namely Standard having three of the eleven performance features. Security Features, namely transparent encryption and auditing. Replication, namely change tracking, merge. It is more than that - There is a breakdown here. Azure offers many pricing and licensing options for SQL Server Enterprise Virtual Machines. Compare costs to choose the best option for your business needs.

Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
Ideal for …

Comprehensive, mission-critical performance for demanding database and business intelligence requirements. Provides the highest service and performance levels for Tier-1 workloads.[1]

Licensing modelPer core[2]
Channel availability Volume licensing, hosting
Open no level price (US$)$14,256[3]
Standard - per core
Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
Ideal for …

Core data management and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources.

Licensing modelPer core[2]
Channel availability Volume licensing, hosting
Open no level price (US$)$3,717[3]
Server + CAL[4]
Volume licensing, hosting, retail FPP
Standard - server + CAL
Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
Ideal for …

Core data management and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources.

Licensing modelServer + CAL[4]
Channel availability Volume licensing, hosting, retail FPP
Open no level price (US$)$931[3]
Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
Ideal for …

Full-featured version of SQL Server software that allows developers to cost-effectively build, test, and demonstrate applications based on SQL Server software.

Licensing modelPer user
Channel availability Free download
Open no level price (US$)Free
Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
Ideal for …

Secure, cost effective and highly scalable data platform for public web sites. Cod bo2 pc. Available to third party software service providers only.

Licensing modelNot applicable
Channel availability Hosting only
Open no level price (US$)See your hosting partner for pricing

Microsoft Sql Server Standard Vs Enterprise 8

Pricing and licensing support by SQL Server SKU.
Ideal for …

Free entry-level database that's ideal for learning, as well as building desktop and small server>

  • [1]Customers who require a massively parallel processing data warehouse now have access to a parallel data warehouse through their Enterprise Edition core licenses with Software Assurance. Parallel data warehouse is part of the Microsoft Analytics Platform System.

  • [2]Editions sold in the per-core licensing model are sold as 2 core packs.

  • [3]Pricing represents open no level (NL) estimated retail price. For your specific pricing, contact your Microsoft reseller.

  • [4]Client access licenses (CALs) are required for every user or device accessing a server in the Server + CAL licensing model. See the product use rights for details.

Active1 year, 5 months ago

I'm looking for a good resource that gives a breakdown of the feature differences between SQL Server 2017 Enterprise and Standard editions? I want to make sure there's no gotchas or I miss anything truly beneficial by going with Standard.

I've read over the licensing guide from Microsoft, but is there any other notable feature differences it doesn't cover?

What are the vaguely described feature differences like 'Advanced Adaptive Query Processing', 'Enterprise Data Management', and 'Advanced Security', etc?

Tom V
14.5k7 gold badges51 silver badges80 bronze badges
6921 gold badge7 silver badges17 bronze badges

closed as too broad by Tom V, Andriy M, mustaccio, LowlyDBA, MarianApr 26 '18 at 14:58

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

There are several tables through this document which compare features across all editions of SQL Server 2017 : Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2017

Erik Darling
28k13 gold badges85 silver badges141 bronze badges

Asking one question here asking for ALL of the differences is a lot like me asking you, 'Well, which features of SQL Server do you use?' It's such a tough question to answer because it's so huge (which is also why this question is likely to get closed, heh.)

You'll be better off asking individual specific questions about each of the feature/edition restrictions that you don't understand.

Microsoft Sql Server Standard Vs Enterprise

For example, if you want to know what 'Advanced Adaptive Query Processing' is, read the documentation pages on Adaptive Query Processing, and then ask questions specific to that feature.

In my experience, the features that usually cause folks to jump to Enterprise Edition are:

Ms sql server 2016 standard vs enterprise edition

Difference Between Sql Standard And Enter…

  • Leveraging more than 24 CPU cores
  • Leveraging more than 128GB memory
  • Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) - if you're storing personally identifiable data that could put you on the front page of the paper if someone got a snapshot of your database, then the Enterprise Edition costs just kinda are what they are
Brent OzarBrent Ozar
36.9k21 gold badges118 silver badges256 bronze badges

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