Atari 2600 Instruction Manual

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Atari VCS / 2600 manuals Culled from various sources over the years, this is our reference area for various video game instruction manuals. Note: some manuals are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, which makes them perfect for punching, printing, and adding to a custom collecting binder. After playing ASTEROIDS several times you'll discover which techniques work best for you. Here are some that the space cadets at ATARI found most helpful. When the screen becomes clear of asteroids (just before a new group of large asteroids appears), try to avoid placing your spaceship close to the right or left edge of the screen. AtariAge - News, message boards, rarity guides, game database, manuals, pictures, articles, links, and much more. Manuals for the Atari 2600 (also known as VCS) home console system.


On a quiet serene evening the Cosmic Space Patrol sets out for the usual night cruisethrough the boulevards of space. This beat was always the same; calm, no action and noexcitement. For some reason this night feels different. Shortly before 0200 hours someform of intergalactic material is sighted through the visual particle counter. Thematerial is too large a mass to measure. It's drifting closer. Lookout, it's a giantasteroid boulder and it's headed straight for the Cosmic Spacecraft. The only chance forsurvival is to dodge the boulder or destroy it. Destroying it doesn't mean just breakingit up, it means vaporizing it. Small asteroid boulders are equally as fatal as large ones.

Whew, the boulder just missed colliding with the Cosmic Spacecraft, but suddenly theCosmic Space Patrol find themselves surrounded by thousands of the deadly asteroids. TheCosmic Space Patrol must act quickly to save their spacecraft and spare their lives. Thespacecraft is equipped with photon torpedoes, hyperspace, shields, and flip control.

The Cosmic Space Patrol is highly trained to handle this situation. Could you do asgood a job as the Cosmic Space Patrol? How would you protect yourself if you were caughtin a deadly asteroid belt? This is your big chance to fly throughout the demensions ofspace and fend against asteroid boulders. The longer you survive, the more space hazardsyou'll encounter.


The object of the game is to destroy as many asteroid boulders as possible and keepyour ship in space as long as possible. Use your Joystick Controller to maneuver your shipthrough space and press the red controller(fire) button to shoot photon torpedoes at theasteroid boulders. When an asteroid is hit, it may just break up into smaller boulders, orit may be completely pulverized. In some game variations you'll face additional spacehazards such as satellites and UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects); both of which may befiring torpedoes at you.


Use your Joystick Controller with this ATARI(C) Game Program(tm) cartridge. Be sure toplug the controller cables firmly into the jacks at the Video Computer System(tm) Game.Hold the controller with the red fire button to your upper left toward the televisionscreen. Use the LEFT CONTROLLER jack for one-player games. See Section 3 of your owner'smanual for further details.

Use the Joystick Controller to aim the spaceship and to fire photon torpedoes at theasteroids. Move the Joystick right to rotate the ship clockwise; move it left to rotatethe ship counterclockwise. Push the Joystick forward to thrust(propel) the ship throughspace. (The ship moves only in the direction it's pointed.)

Pulling the Joystick down causes the ship to perform different functions such ashyperspace, shields, or flip(see Section 6, GAME VARIATIONS). After aiming the spaceshipwith your Joystick, press the fire button to shoot photon torpedoes at the asteroidboulders. Continue to press and release the fire button as fast as possible to quicklydestroy all the asteroids.

If the game variation you're playing includes satellites and UFOs, use your Joystick toaim and press the fire button to shoot torpedoes at them just as you would for theasteroid boulders.



To select an ASTEROIDS(tm) game, press down the game select switch. (See Section 8,GAME SELECT MATRIX to choose the game you wish to play.) The game number and the number ofplayers appear at the top of the screen. The game number is on the left; the number ofplayers is on the right as shown in Figure 1.


Once you have selected a game number, press down the game reset switch to start theaction. Each time game reset is pressed down the game starts over. After the game starts,the score appears at the top of the screen as shown in Figure 2.

NOTE: To change game numbers quickly, hold down game select and game reset together.


The ASTEROIDS game has two difficulty levels, a and b. The b level is normal game playfor beginning players. The a level offers a bigger challenge with the addition ofUFOs(Unidentified Flying Objects) and satellites(see Figures 3 and 4). UFOs are tough tohit, but each one is worth 1000 points. (See Section 5 for SCORING.)

Satellites are larger and easier to destroy. UFOs and satellites may be firing back atyou, so be on the lookout for their stray artillery. UFOs do not attack until you havereached over 15,000 points. When satellites and UFOs sneak up to attack you, you'll heartheir engines. The satellites have a low pitched engine sound and the UFOs have a higherpitched sound.


Set this switch to color if your television is color or to b/w if your television isblack-and-white. Setting this switch to b/w will not affect a color television.


Points are determined by the size of the asteroid boulders. Obviously, the smallerboulders are harder to hit and therefore worth more points. With each game or turn youhave four spaceships. You can earn extra spaceships by scoring high as indicated in theGAME SELECT MATRIX.



ASTEROIDS includes 66 game variations for 1 or 2 players.


FAST/SLOW (F/S) refers to the speed that the asteroids travel.


LIVES is a feature which allows you to earn extra spaceships. Game variations provideyou with an extra ship every 5000, 10,000, or 20,000 points, depending on the game numberyou choose. The tougher game variations don't provide any extra spaceships. (See Section8, GAME SELECT MATRIX for extra ship lives.) You'll hear a beeping sound when an extraspaceship is earned.


Depending on the game variation you choose, you may be able to save your spaceship fromdestruction by using one of the game features of ASTEROIDS.

Hyperspace Hyperspace (H) is a feature offered in Games 1 through 8 for one player andGames 34 through 41 for two players. by moving the Joystick down, or towards you,hyperspace makes your spaceship disappear in space and reappear at some other place on thescreen. Hyperspace is helpful as a quick getaway when an asteroid or boulder is headedtoward your spaceship, but it may also be a hindrance if your spaceship reappears in thepath of an oncoming asteroid boulder.

Shields Games 9 through 16 for one player and Games 42 through 49 for two players allowyou to protect your spaceship by surrounding it with protective shields (SH). Pull yourJoystick back towards you to put up shields, but don't use shields for more than twoseconds or your spaceship will blow up.

Flip In game variations featuring flip (FL), you can flip your spaceship around 180degrees which aims it in the opposite direction. Flip is a fast way to attack asteroidscoming from behind. Flip is a feature in Games 17 through 24 for one player and Games 50through 57 for two players.

Games 25-32 (one-player) and Games 58-65 (two-players) have no optional features (W).This makes these game variations more challenging and you must depend solely on your quickskill and coordination.


Games 33 through 66 are easy versions for young children. These games feature slowasteroids, hyperspace, and an extra ship each 5000 points.


After playing ASTEROIDS several times you'll discover which techniques work best foryou. Here are some that the space cadets at ATARI found most helpful.

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1. When the screen becomes clear of asteroids (just before a new group of largeasteroids appears), try to avoid placing your spaceship close to the right or left edge ofthe screen. New asteroids almost always begin from these edges.

Atari 2600 User Manual Pdf

2. It is often helpful to remain in the center of the screen throughout the game,aiming your spaceship right or left in a circular motion.

3. If you're close to earning an extra ship, and your spaceship is about to crash, youmay want to cause your spaceship to collide with a small asteroid, UFO, or satellite.You'll earn points even if you crash, and this may be just enough points to earn thatextra ship.

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4. Try to hit the faster and smaller asteroid boulders. This will give you moreprotection and more points.


S = Slow F = Fast


5 = 1 Extra Ship Every 5000 Points 10 = 1 Extra Ship Every 10,000 Points 20 = 1 ExtraShip Every 20,000 Points N = No Extra Ships


H = Hyperspace SH = Shields FL = Flip W = Without Features

ATTENTION: ATARI(R) ASTEROIDS(tm) Game Program(tm) cartridge owners:

This ATARI ASTEROIDS cartridge is very similar to the famous ATARI coin-operatedASTEROIDS game, but you may notice some game play differences. You will see that the gameplayfield on your television is smaller and has borders on all four sides. The dark borderon the left side of the screen does not interfere with game play. It is a programmingcharacteristic of all ASTEROIDS cartridges. The size of the border varies on differenttelevisions. You may also notice that as asteroids disappear from the top, bottom, right,or left side of the playfield, they 'wraparound' and reappear at the oppositeedge of the playfield.

Atari 2600 Instruction Manuals

If you are playing the ASTEROIDS game in the 'a' difficulty level, UFOs willsometimes begin to attack after you have reached 7500 points, and they will always attackafter you have over 15,000 points.

We wish you lots of luck in defending your spaceship, and hope you have many hours offun playing the ATARI ASTEROIDS game.

Atari 2600 Game Manuals

ATARI, INC., Consumer Division
PO Box 427
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Atari 2600 Asteroids Manual

This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage,©1997-1998 by Greg Chance